When we designed DIVOC we were very clear that we must adopt international specifications and we have worked very closely with international authorities like WHO. The power of a verifiable certificate which is printable, multilingual and inclusive but natively digital in nature is quite transformational.

Countries need to run vaccination programs at scale and speed to
save livelihoods and lives.
Vaccines have shown to be the most effective way at scale to counter the severe health impacts of COVID-19. It reduces both hospitalisations and deaths. As a result, countries need to run vaccination programs at scale and speed to save livelihoods and lives. DIVOC offers a credible solution with the following highlights:
- Elastic nature (from 10,000 vaccinations a day to 10 million a day).
- Digital first design that is evolvable & scalable.
- Agile and responsive solution.
- Telemetry and analytics for decision makers.

What is DIVOC?
DIVOC stands for Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing.
DIVOC is a DPGA listed public good that enables countries to digitally orchestrate large scale vaccination and public health programs using open source digital infrastructure. Here are the key highlights:
- Recognised format by 96+ countries globally
- Used by over 1/5th of the world population
- Compliant with WHO DDCC:VS and EU:DCC standards
- Integrates with health wallet apps such as IATA, Folio, Afinidi, Pathcheck and CDC travel pass

Program setup via orchestration module
(Reference Implementation)
Create, maintain program, vaccine, facility, vaccinator registries
Facility app
(Reference Implementation)
Add new beneficiary, verify beneficiaries, issue / distribute certificates
Issue & Verify Certificates
(Core Module)
Issue digitally verifiable certificates, distribute certificates online and offline
Citizen portal
(Reference Implementation)
Self-register, schedule appointments, download and verify certificates
(Reference Implementation)
Collect feedback on facilities, as well as side-effects post immunisation
(Core Module)
Performance monitoring dashboard that shows live metrics
Pramod Varma, CTO, EkStep Foundation shares the journey of Digital Public Good- DIVOC (Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing) envisioned a year back, for vaccination credentialing
eGov Foundation is on a philanthropic mission to enhance ease of living at scale and speed by co-creating Digital Public Goods and open ecosystems. The foundation has demonstrated impact across 2000+ cities, raised $1200+M in philanthropic capital, worked with 100+ partners for implementation, policy and capacity building and delivered 40+ solutions. eGov Foundation works across Urban Transformation, Healthcare, Sanitation and Public Finance missions. DIVOC is a digital public good developed as a part of the Healthcare mission at eGov Foundation.
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For issues related to certificates in India, please refer to the CoWIN website.